Rituell våldtäkt:
Vill göra tvånget skönt –
Men – stänga ut de empatiska från njutningen
På detta vis spridande psykopati över världen
Bryter sinnet i tre –
Och skär sedan halsen av offret mitt under njutningen som mekanisk penetration lyckats uppnå trots smärtan
I klimax för mördaren
Ett par Satans ögon tittar ut
Sjuka i Helvete men sprider ’sjuk sjuk sjuk’!
Projicerar sitt vansinne ut på världen.
.. And that is what William S. Burroughs means, with ’certainly not for the OBSERVER’ god damn those spigots minions, whom enforce their total lack of subjectivity, in different layers of oppression, soulless uber watchers, whom ’think they can tell, a truth from a tale’ by simply enacting their prejudices, which they have been fed with by a sick society.
Deaf dumb and blind idiots, whom is the enemy of God themselves, and only works with upon the joke of the wage-slaves, to destroy relationship out of pure envy and malice
And like the fox in a hen nest kills more than it ever can eat, just out of the sadistic impulses. ’he shall not have it and I never will’ but just goes on pure rampage overkill.
Can anyone forgive such a meaningless waste of human and economical resources?, really? Like the sprinter running the opposite way at the competition and wants to force everybody anyway to say, that he won the whole race. Absurd in the extreme and perverse. But anyway this is the tactic of the satanical overclass again and again, ; to just coagulate on the starting line, heading ’the opposite way’ and then calling it ’the final line’ which ’you might not step over .. cause I am the winner’
”Projicerar sitt vansinne ut på världen.”
My friend, invade the Bio-labs; Invade and free us from this hell, it is Satan, everyone can tell, we are living through a veritable nightmare god damn it, where right is not only stated as wrong, since what they regard as wrong is not even allowed to ’be wrong’ about the thing not even argued about, but they want to brainwash us that wrong is right, force us to deny the truth, and become a toothless idiot chewing gum and not being able to walk at the same time