Logic of ’the disease’ spreading unhappiness all across the world:
One: “We HAVE to be the most happy people on the planet.
Two: “We HAVE to be that!!” of course implies that we concentrate upon the faults – in most cases made up in our sick and mentally ill minds – of those “as Saliheen” (Those whom have the Garden of Paradise experience), those truly happy and blessed people.
And persecute them and do everything possible bad and unjust to them: we persecute our own happiness which is the person of Saliheen – this God blessed gifted person we collude to destroy totally – and by PRETENDING to CARE about him and everything – we slowly justify his destruction. We try to suck the last breath out of a dying youth – so to speak – and that is our shortly – we must say – vampirism.
“We HAVE to BE – the most happy people” you get it?? And that is only allowed to come together with official recognizion and wealth (power).
Prophet Muhammad said something genial about these Qufr people in a reflection: ‘the way to achieve happiness is to all the time focus upon your own faults – so that you have no time to focus upon the faults of others..’
‘Qad aflaha man tasaqa – wa daqara asma rabbihi fassalla’
“Only the ones purifying themselves will achieve success – so keep on exalting the Name of Your Lord on high”