Only Allah is one. Allah says in sura at tariq: surely this is the word that separates! And it is no joke!! The doctrine of oneness is dangerous, as well as it is exciting. The one eye of ad dajjal and sauron the lord of darkness. The drive for oneness between the sexes is based upon laws. To ’become one’ before marriage or outside marriage is punishable by 200 whiplashes and stoning to death respectively. But the oneness when it is halal, is rewarding indeed, as well as ’becoming one’ of the sexes illegally results in fire of hell.
When lust takes over your senses and you lose yourself to it, you win the world but lose yourself. You fall into the pit ’damned if you do and damned if you don’t’
Thus to be separate walking down the street but still somehow one, and, when halal, one but still somehow separate is the key to happiness and joy I guess.
If you though trespass the line and have illegal sex things very fast go south, since ’all is one and one is all’. If that means you have indulged in fornification, then your feeling of selfstanding in ’the word that separates’ becomes tainted with a feeling of hypocrisity about yourself and you avoiding to lose control and embrace ’all of those women’ that making love with you through their glances becomes A SPLIT IN YOURSELF. So instead of being separate but somehow one (joy) then you feel misarable AND SPLIT, IN YOURSELF so to speak. So the oneness experience of fornification, instead of making you happy (being one but somehow separate) made you miserable and insane. If though your lay meant adultery, the same split arises, but towards your legal partner. What does this mean? It means that oneness that leads to splitting (di abolo, two poles) is punished by God, and oneness that leads to Janna, to Paradise, or at least that has the intention to lead there (when you marry in Islam your intention with your spouse has to be to fuck her eternally) is rewarded. It is thus clear that the object of life is not simple in the sense that you can take short cuts to the sex experience.
Thus we see that pornography is just another kind of idolworship for the poor, those poor being fooled into it by the degrading demarks regarding their material manure (?). They are split of from the object and take their pleasure in watching her have pleasure. Even worse effect if she is fucked by another man and the subject takes pleasure in that! Then we suddenly have a three split at once or even more if she is gangfucked! In the orgasm he becomes ’one’ with the object, but she does not even know it. It is still split and for him it is just an illusion of the idolworship of her vagina: as long as she has pleasure I am happy etc.
Then afterwards he is split, towards women in real life and his future spouse. This loser role the society of the freemasons (’jew world order’) wants to impose by big pharma drugs forced upon the subjects through the disguise of the so-called ’psychiatric system’.
Since the freemasons ruled by the perverse vampire empire elite of the illuminati in this sick way is depriving healthy and succesful people of their birthright; their lovelife, then zinah (fornification/adultery) has spread and become common across the earth as prophet muhammad informed us it would be at the end of times. People, afraid of what would be if they were strong believers and then came under persecution because of the vampire empire war against God, (God is love), is taking the easy way and short cut to sex. Well, can’t really blame most of them I guess, having seen what the persecution can do to people. They come out as wrecks, without sexual ability because of the poisoning of their bodies and minds, and more or less brainwashed and with very low self confidence and esteem.
It is just that then there is no or little resistance towards the forces of evil, and things get worse and worse in the world quickly. You have to have had the intention to follow the rules of sex to break them. When you break them it has to in that case be upon the word of Allah, THE WORD THAT SEPARATES, so that you are then as sure as you can be that this is the right item. An item of miracle (TITLE), that you can use as a tool, at the right moment to survive what otherwise would turn out your ruin and life long persecution. AS SURE AS YOU CAN BE, then trust the mercy of God and walk down the street, still freely.