Nej det är Ankabut, inte svagsinthet ’cause the weakest of webs (habitat) are the spiders’ – Qur’an – Leif: ’Abdulhaqq så att säga råder bot på dom där falska själsläkarna’

The talk about ’pedophilia’ in a paranoid derogatory and pejorative manner was actually a desperate fight of the really dangerous pedos and pederasts against prophethood. Prophet Muhammad, the leading prophet, received his prophetical revelations from about the age of 40, before that he worked on getting pure in the face of Allah, God. The young girls love truth; it makes them see through the societie’s illusions created by the rich and influential to make people serve them without even understanding what’s the matter with the whole thing . That is why the world shall be consumed in fire after 6000 years as William Blake, prophetic in his own right points out. Since it has to. When the world is an illusion as Buddha says, then fire cleans the disease of the hearts of the people of the world; the idols and their worshippers; the sheeple.

Thus it was natural and totally logical prophet Muhammad married a lot of young girls, among them Aisha, only 9 years old when he had intercourse with her for the first time, then having waited 2 years to fulfill their marriage.

A sign of victory of truth over ignorance. Prophet Muhammad said, when ignorance prevails over truth, look for doomsday.

Contrary to this; when we speak about the perpetual victims of the idols and their worshippers, we semantically put the victim first in the sentence; the idols persecution is a tail hunting the victim down; they are the disease.

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