Dröm 13 juni 2023

Just awoke. Been having a good sleep. This morning I dreamt about my pal the late Gunvor Ponten whom passed away February this year. She had come out of purgatory and was now alright. One scene in the dream contained a white female chicken, which I found under a bush at a villa close to the city. I understood that it will not survive, so I took it in a plastic bag. Then I went and called an older woman with children at the villa. I explained the situation about the white chicken. She just wanted to make sure though that it was breathing. At a cross-road with a lot of cars, I discovered that snipers are outplaced, it seems to be war in the country. I apprehend that because of the white chicken I carry I am having become one of their targets. This is about how much I remember of these nice dreams about Gunvor this morn.

Josef K suddenly found himself under arrest one morning.. He had taken a HOT SHOWER.. This ’they’ underlined. Since the fire-alarm was just outside the shower the steam had teased that little bastard to go off. Not that Josef K had showered longer than normal. No.. Actually shorter that at home. He had felt the erotical currents from the women’s sex as he had soaped his genital, the women’s sex that encircled him constantly, like the believers travel to Makka to encircle the black stone. Prophet Muhammad had one day been observed encircling the Kaaba, where the black stone is placed at the center-spot. And he proclaimed that the sanctity and holiness of the Kaaba is great, but, he said, however great its scent is!, the sanctity of the life of a single genuine believer is even greater!

THEY REFUSED TO RECOGNICE A SIMPLE FACT, BECAUSE HE DID IT!. Prophet Muhammad said, that the most vile sinner is HE, whom apprehends something which is NOT forbidden, but makes it forbidden just because of disrespect for the person that did it. AND THEY HAD NO RESPECT. The reason for this lay only in one thing: that they knew Josef K was an easy prey. They knew he would never ever, ever win in court. They knew, that no matter how absurdly they would get the whim to oppress him that would have no legal consequences whatsoever. That actually, THEY HAD THE LAW ON THEIR SIDE, now no matter how illegal and absurd the things they might subject Josef K to now were.

Now that actually the state itself, would double down on stupid, and take any slander they ever had against Josef K, as beautiful lies they would make become a truth , through brainwash. Yes, in fact the whole society was such built, THE EMPIRE OF LIES, as Mr Putin called it.

So, the very reason they dared to double down on stupid, but not just once, but actually perpetually, like a python snake, slowly but most surely suffocating its victim and swallowing it alive at the very same time, was a simple answer: it was because they actually were.. In the words of Jesus Christ, the master: broods of vipers. They actually were tiny little cogs in the machinery of the whole obnoxious thing: the world snake ouroboros.

Now Josef K had received a message. ’WE HAVE BEEN INFORMED UPON YOUR PART’. He was supposed TO UNDERSTAND, and subject himself IMMEDIATELY. Otherwise they WOULD CONTACT THE AUTHORITIES. And THEN, things will not go SO WELL FOR YOU, WOULD THEY??! They screeched behind the factual tone enveloped in benevolence which informed him short and factually, that he had been thrown out of the Hotel, in Copenhagen Denmark, a night earlier than his departure, a night which he had already paid for, and that BESIDES THAT!, he would lose his depositories at the hotel of 500 Danish crowns, BECAUSE HE HAD TAKEN A HOT SHOWER. ’the fire-alarm was activated!’ they said in smearing. ’what has that with me to do?’ Josef K retorted back. ’you were surely jerking off in the shower and forgot the time’.. Josef k was unsure if he had heard right. It was though true, he knew, that this envy projecting belittlement, were the actual reason for the persecution aimed against his person. THAT THE WOMEN LOVED HIM. It was because he were a true believer, and that scent from his dick, sweeter than the scent from the Kaaba in Makka, made the women at once fall to their knees, in adornment and worship of his phallos.

Prophet Muhammad had said, that IF he were to order a human being to worship another, he would order the wife to worship her husband. And many, many, many women had Josef K as their actual husband. It was in a paradise dream, where he fucked them most pleasantly in one of the rooms of his golden castle in Janna, which Allah seemed to have given him as a recompense for all the unjust pain, the world had subjected Josef K to, totally unnecessary and oppressive. And when he once sat there again, in the stupid office of the inquisition, they would say: why do you get in trouble all the time. And now again. And he would be unable to answer them.. With less than the risk they then now would call him even more crazy and subject him to even harsher treatment, which was their nice word for the modern torture of the syringes.

And he would be unable to say: ARE YOU KIDDING ME?, don’t you recognize, DON’T YOU ADMIT, me as world famous?? And they would look at him like he were from some other planet, and without further notice order the boys, the civil soldiers ready to grip, to carry him to a yelp-thesis-bed, and there strap him, and then would come the torture, perpetuated year after year, to brainwash him for stating the obvious fact THAT EVERYBODY KNEW, about his fame world wide, but which he was forbidden to utter a single word about.. OR ELSE.. And stuffing the syringe like loading a pistol to MAKE HIM UNDERSTAND. But HE HE HE DOESN’T KNOW YET. And he would of course APPREHEND the horrible happening coming for him, AS SURELY AS.. An enormous snake coming to devour him.. Strapped TO A BED. THE THREATH IMPLICIT ENVELOPED IN BENEVOLENCE. MADE THE CONCEPT OF REBELLION STIFFLE.

’first robbed.. Unjustly accused.. Deprived of my honour. Then for no specific reason at all taken into custody, and here I am now, tortured perpetually by the syringes.. Lost in the haze of a world passing away.. ’world famous’.. But nobody will recognize that now, when they are slowly obliterating me to non existence, like falling from high and getting flattened’. Such an outlook he did not find appealing as he stood there in the phone. And it was a lie, he had not jerked off in the shower. But that was putting focus ON THE WRONG THING OF COURSE. IT HADN’T WITH THE THING TO DO ACTUALLY GOD DAMN IT!. Even if he would, it was of course none of their god damn business! Hadn’t he been paying for the room?? The slander in the tone of the unseen perpetrator in the gate phone was suddenly strange. Which made him suddenly understand. it wasn’t him showering, it wasn’t the steam, IT WAS A PLANNED ATTACK AGAINST his person, aimed at HIM from the very beginning. The owners of the place hadn’t forgotten how popular he had been 3 years ago with what they regarded as THEIR WOMEN!. He had seen that miserable fuck sitting there, like a shadow of ONLY MONEY, and the women had whispered in Josef K’s ear: it is dangerous, OUR BOSS IS NOT ALLOWED TO SEE US SPEAKING. ’GENTLE READER’, William Blake writes, ’KNOW THAT IN A FORMER TIME, LOVE SWEET LOVE WAS THOUGHT A CRIME’.

Last time he had got robbed of his depositories as well. And that shadow of an owner would surely burn in hell. But if he now screamed that at the gate phone, as he stood there so to speak in the unknown, the consequence of that would surely be, the fuzz coming up to him suddenly as he walked down the cold winter road with his packings, which now was much more heavy than at his arrival, since he had come to Copenhagen to purchase important Islamic literature from the great Sufi shaykh ul islam Muhammad Tahir-ul-Qadri, and yesterday at a discount prize had bought as much as 15 books. And the police officers would look at him as queer as the fireman downstairs yesterday had done, with a look of aloof and somehow hard hateful contempt, as he because of the cold outside, him coming down without his purple jacket which many Danish Copenhagers already yesterday as he had made his way through town had complimented him for, yes in the hiatus of the people it was actually known as the ’Copenhagen jacket of the prophet’. ’prochfeiten’ as the nickname of Josef the K was pronounced in the strange dialect of the Danish which was perfectly understandable to read for a swede like him, but absolutely impossible to get when you heard that mushy pronunciations.

And that fireman had looked at him so strange, like he already had been sentenced for something yet unknown to Josef K. And so strange, Josef K had thought as he had stood there chewing on his miswak in the twilight from the dark cold street outside, and his hair all wet from the shower and VERY STRANGE GAZE, Josef K had thought to himself.. WHAT THE HELL IS THIS.. LIKE I ALREADY HAD BEEN SENTENCED TO SOMETHING YET NOT KNOWN TO ME. QUEER INDEED.. And finally, even though the time elapsed had just been about less than a minute, BUT HAD FELT, like a much longer stretched, Josef K had finally asked that strange fireman, which kept turning towards him again and again, instead of operating the seemingly dangerous fire-alarm situation, if he wanted to say something..

When he then kept turning to Josef K, grunting aggressively, Josef K had to say: i am a guest here at the hotel, what should I do?? ’go out!’ the fireman almost shouted at him. As Josef K stood there without his purple Copenhagen jacket out on the cold January street he wondered why there were so few of the guests of the hotel that had come out. Only a blond woman without baggage and two Indian darkhaired women, which to make sure, also had brought their bags out. ’smart’ Josef K thought to himself, it was probably only him knowing the very reason for the commotion as yet, ’STEAM FROM THE SHOWER’

At least he thought he knew. The neighbouring woman of the hotel, rushed out from her store as she saw him and speeding up to him by the blinking big fire-truck she asked catching her breath what had happened.. 

He said: I stood in the shower when suddenly the fire alarm began sounding.. At the very same minute the alarm went calm. And that uncouth fireman in the lobby, which had stood looking at the number ’308’ on a screen, waved them back into the hotel. As he began walking towards the entrance he said to the neighbour girl which also was of Indian origin: i think the steam from the shower was what caused the whole thing..

As he went up the stairs again, those nice firemen came down towards him smiling, totally the opposite of the task force commander in the lobby which had focused on what Josef K had supposed to be his room-number even though it said ’307’ on the door. ’was it your room?’ they said, most obviously relieved by the tiny cause of such a big callout.

’yes’ Josef K said smilingly, relieved by the contrast of seeing the gruntful despicable face of the task force commander he had left behind down in the hallway. ’it was just steam from the shower’ they said, still smiling. ’as you opened the door it went off’. ’I thought so’ Josef K said smiling, ’shower less time next time’ they said still laughing, ’now I know’ Josef K said, ’i am used at home though.. At least 15 minutes..’

’we opened your windows’ they said, and as Josef K came up to his room it looked just as normal as he had left it.. His just used beautiful patterned underwear was lying there under the right roof window, which now was slightly opened tilted backwards, making a thin line for the air to pass through to his room. By the left, which was also opened, he noticed they seemed to have checked his bed for possible fire, and in the window pane, which, by the custom of room windows tilted upwards was with the hasp now opened turned inwards towards the room, someone had stuffed the holes with napkins.

’probably not them’ he thought about the firemen. ’Most likely some previous tenant whom was freezing’ he felt the pipes (element) which he had turned up at maximum ’5’, it was hardly giving any heat. True as was his habit when he had been subjected to something strange he crept down under the blanket and fell slowly fast asleep, even though time was only about 6:10 pm. He wondered about the whole thing and felt afraid.. And how would he dare to shower tomorrow before going out in the evening? ’this evening anyway my lovers will not see me’ he thought to himself, ’damn conspiration’, he stopped his thought right there.. ’why so few tenants?’ ’were the hotel empty?’ ’was that a thought of cant or a Freudian slip?’ ’conspiration’.. Did he have to check into another hotel tomorrow or what would he do?’ ’I don’t know’ that feeling of danger in his stomach again, and the always following fatigue..

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